Salem, OR – A record year of fundraising and grant-making has culminated in a fresh brand for the Oregon Cultural Trust – a brand that is energetic, empowering…
Salem, Ore. – Statewide cultural organizations will receive a record $2.6 million in grants from the OregonCultural Trust in fiscal year 2015-16, up a full 30 percent over…
Salem, Ore. – Trust Manager Aili Schreiner will join with colleagues from the Oregon Arts Commission, Oregon Heritage, Oregon Humanities and the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office April…
Salem, Ore. – Oregonians increased their investment in culture by more than 4 percent in 2014, donating a record $4.3 million to the Oregon Cultural Trust. “It’s an…
Salem, Ore. – Chuck Sams of Pendleton and Gayle Yamasaki of Klamath Falls are the newest members of the Oregon Cultural Trust board. The appointments were announced at…
A good meal, attending a quinceañera, or a visit to the museum: Days of Culture 2014 will celebrate the diverse ways Oregonians experience culture with an Oct. 1-8…
Salem, Ore. – AiliSchreiner, an experienced leader and project manager in the non-profit andheritage community, is the new manager of the Oregon Cultural Trust. Schreinersucceeds Kimberly Howard, who…
Grants totaling $1,808,796 for fiscal year 2014-2015 were approved at the Cultural Trust Board’s quarterly meeting July 17. Awards of $602,932 were made in each of the Trust’s…
Six Oregon artists will deliver special presentations about the history and cultural significance of their crafts and traditions at state parks across Oregon during the month of June.…
Trust Cultural Development grant applications are due this Thursday, May 15, at 5pm and, as many cultural nonprofits put finishing touches on their proposals, others are asking, “What’s…
Kimberly Howard, trust manager, recently accepted a position with PGE’s Corporate Social Responsibility Team. Kimberly’s last day with the Trust will be Thursday, May 15. While we will…
Corvallis poet becomes seventh to hold position Governor John Kitzhaber has named Peter Sears of Corvallis to a two-year appointment as poet laureate of Oregon. Sears will be…