Portia & Ada
Olivia Jones
Portland, OR
Morgan Albright
Kerri Olsen
Portland, OR
Karen Alexander-Brown
Randall J Brown
Hillsboro, OR
Marcia Arganbridght
Marna Stalcup
Portland, OR
Marcia Arganbridght
Timothy Drilling
Portland, OR
George Azumano
Elisa Dozono
Portland, OR
George Azumano
Thomas Turner
Portland, OR
Marina Barcelo
Marcy Haugh
Portland, OR
My wonderful dad, John P Becich
Joan N Becich
Ashland, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Andrea Dailey
Corvallis, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Anthony Terndrup
Corvallis, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Anthony Terndrup
Corvallis, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Carl Schreck
Corvallis, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Daniel L Dailey
Corvallis, OR
Brian Wagner's birthday
Deborah Vaughn
Salem, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Dorothy A Evans
Corvallis, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Jacque Schreck
Corvallis, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Judy Freeman
Corvallis, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Kimberly M Howard
Portland, OR
Walter Frankel's 75th birthday
Peter Freeman
Corvallis, OR
Brian Wagner's birthday
Robert Vaughn
Salem, OR
Steve Webster,ORegon Mozart Players BOD
Ellen Singer
Eugene, OR
Steve Webster,ORegon Mozart Players BOD
Gary Rondeau
Eugene, OR
Richard S Boyd
Wendy Boyd
Corvallis, OR
Alice V Brocoum
Alice Brocoum
Portland, OR
Alice V Brocoum
Stephan Brocoum
Portland, OR
Matt Burnett
Craig Edberg
Matt Burnett
Janice Edberg
Rebecca Burrell
Vanessa Abahashemi
Portland, OR
Claire Whalen Casey
Jerome David Casey
Portland, OR
Deborah Redman
West Linn, OR
Donald Whittemore
West Linn, OR
Edwin & May Chan
Natasia Chan
Portland, OR
Edwin & May Chan
Thomas Gronke
Portland, OR
Ms Ruth Beiser Bach
Portland, OR
Mary E Christie
Joann Linville
Dallas,OR Animal Clinic
Edward Powell
Dallas, OR
Dallas,OR Animal Clinic
Rita Kirk Powell
Dallas, OR
Henry Sayre's service on the Oregon Arts Commission
Christine D'Arcy
Salem, OR
Royal Nebeker's service on the Oregon Arts Commission
Christine D'Arcy
Salem, OR
Nora Peterson, Vern White and Marie Coon
Dawn Peter
Portland, OR
Chris D'Arcy's leadership and contribution to Oregon art and culture
Curtis Kiefer
Philomath, OR
Chris D'Arcy's leadership and contribution to Oregon art and culture
Walter Frankel
Philomath, OR
Julia & Adam Cuppy
Stacey Yarrish
Grants Pass, OR
Julia & Adam Cuppy
Trever Yarrish
Grants Pass, OR
Chris D'Arcy
Amy Cuddy
Ashland, OR
Chris D'Arcy
Bill Scott
Portland, OR
Chris D'Arcy
Charles Froelick
Portland, OR
Christine D'Arcy
Irene Zenev
Philomath, OR
Christine D'Arcy
Jean Boyer-Cowling
Medford, OR
Chris D'Arcy
Kate Thompson
Portland, OR
Chris D'Arcy
Kenneth Pheil
Salem, OR
Chris D'Arcy
Kimberly M Howard
Portland, OR
Christine D'Arcy
Rebecca Dobkins
Portland, OR
Christine D'Arcy
Robert Cowling
Medford, OR
Chris D'Arcy
Thomas E Osborne
Redmond, OR
Christine D'Arcy
Wanda Chin
Ashland, OR
Craig & Jilda Danielson
Marilyn Morrissey
Oregon City, OR
Amelle Obeng & Leonard W Dodson
Daryl Ann
Portland, OR
Amelle Obeng & Leonard W Dodson
Wallace Wilson
Portland, OR
Yoneko Dozono
Elisa Dozono
Portland, OR
Yoneko Dozono
Thomas Turner
Portland, OR
Mary Ann Edmonson
Zachary Edmonson
Portland, OR
Kathy Eriksen
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Kathy Eriksen
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
Actors Cabaret of Eugene
Holly Knight
Eugene, OR
Carol Evans
Christine Evans
Portland, OR
Joel and Lorraine Farm
Elisabeth Farm
Florence, OR
Joel and Lorraine Farm
Jeffrey Farm
Florence, OR
Dakota Fenn
Darin Fenn
Portland, OR
Dakota Fenn
Lisa Fenn
Portland, OR
Dawn Fitgerald
Judith Kleinstein
Portland, OR
Raissa Fleming
Dorothy Diehl
Aumsville, OR
Raissa Fleming
Joanne Fleming
Portland, OR
Raissa Fleming
Joanne Fleming
Portland, OR
Raissa Fleming
Zach Diehl
Aumsville, OR
Our Forefathers and Foremothers
Jennifer Gibbs
Ashland, OR
Our Forefathers and Foremothers
John Gibbs
Ashland, OR
Leslie Friedman
Leslie J Friedman
Junction City, OR
Ankeny Scholarship Fund
Elaine Coughlin
Portland, OR
Ankeny Scholarship Fund
Jonathan Lietz
Portland, OR
Margee Gambee
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Margee Gambee
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
John H & Nicole H Garrett
Valerie J Garrett
Portland, OR
Lil Goldstein
Beth Kaye
Portland, OR
Alyssa Dart & Rick Goranflo
Catherine Dart
Renton, WA
Alyssa Dart & Rick Goranflo
Catherine Dart
Renton, WA
Alyssa Dart & Rick Goranflo
Cindy L Richards
Milwaukie, OR
Alyssa Dart & Rick Goranflo
Cindy L Richards
Milwaukie, OR
Alyssa Dart & Rick Goranflo
John Dart
Renton, WA
Alyssa Dart & Rick Goranflo
John Dart
Renton, WA
Shawn Gould
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Shawn Gould
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
Our Grandsons
Jo Ann Naff
Salem, OR
Our Grandsons
Ray Naff
Salem, OR
Leonna Gray
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Leonna Gray
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
Lenore A Groundwater
Frank Groundwater
Bend, OR
Lenore A Groundwater
Rebecca Warner
Bend, OR
Oregon Field Guide
Constance Coleman
Portland, OR
Luke Hammar
Donna Hammar
Portland, OR
Phillipa Harrison
Claudia Roberts
Portland, OR
Elinor Denton and Elma Hewitt
Laura McCool
Eugene, OR
Elinor Denton and Elma Hewitt
Michael McCool
Eugene, OR
Pat Himes
Ali Himes-Ferris
Portland, OR
Pat Himes
Laurel Boyd
Portland, OR
Susan Howe
Shauna Ensminger
Portland, OR
My sister, Ashley Hufstetler
Jeremy A Davey
Portland, OR
The guests of the Cherokee Rose Inn
Sandra K Miller
Portland, OR
Lily Jaskiel & Nora Jaskiel
Susan Hereford
Lake Oswego, OR
Mary Jo Kallgren
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Mary Jo Kallgren
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
Anna Kapranos
LeAnne Jabs
Portland, OR
Larry and Sherry Kaseberg
Cameron Kaseberg
Redmond, OR
Larry and Sherry Kaseberg
Jon Dayton
Redmond, OR
Bernard Kay
Beth Kaye
Portland, OR
Mr & Mrs Gordon Keable
Kathy Keable
Blue River, OR
Mr & Mrs Gordon Keable
Steve Keable
Blue River, OR
Peggy Dills Kelter
Tina Castanares
Hood River, OR
Marilyn Jean Kirchhoff
Joana Kirchhoff
Portland, OR
Rita & Charles Knapp
Kristan Knapp
Portland, OR
Krista Koehl
Elisa Dozono
Portland, OR
Krista Koehl
Thomas Turner
Portland, OR
Joshua Kornegay
Sharleen Kornegay
Portland, OR
Ivee Ann Kruse
Mary Ann Kruse
Bend, OR
Clarice Lafreniere
Barbara A Robertson
Portland, OR
Carole Morse's receipt of the John Hampton Award for Arts Leadership
Christine D'Arcy
Salem, OR
Kate Lee
Kate Lee
Portland, OR
Kate Lee
Parker Lee
Portland, OR
Elizabeth Lindsay
Susan Lindsay
Portland, OR
Carole Long
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Carole Long
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
Jennifer Loveland
LeAnne Jabs
Portland, OR
Kay Jenks Lynch
Frances L Lynch
Portland, OR
Tom Mahlum
John W
Beaverton, OR
Tom Mahlum
Mary Schmitt
Beaverton, OR
Carol Martley
John Sawicki
Lake Oswego, OR
Carol Martley
Molly Norton
Lake Oswego, OR
Jack McClaran
Michael Hale
Joseph, OR
Jack McClaran
Sara Miller
Joseph, OR
Betty Rae McCormack
Bruce Hansen
Portland, OR
Betty Rae McCormack
Sharon Hansen
Portland, OR
John B & Mary Jean McMorran
Megan L McMorran
Portland, OR
The Wallace Medical Concern donation is in honor of James Reuler, MD
Bruce H Blank
Portland, OR
Jan Meiczkowski
NA-m Wunnan
Portland, OR
Our family members
Catherine Myers
Portland, OR
Auschwitz Resistance Members
Donn L Todt
Corvallis, OR
Our family members
Mark Myers
Portland, OR
Auschwitz Resistance Members
Nancy Hannon
Corvallis, OR
Judith Mills
Cynthia Biboux
Cheshire, OR
Judith Mills
Gene Biboux
Cheshire, OR
Jack Mills
John Mills
Portland, OR
Jack Mills
Patricia Kubala
Portland, OR
Joanne Monroe
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Joanne Monroe
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
Meera Murthy
Malini Kanth
Portland, OR
Eliason School of Music
Alan L Eliason
Eugene, OR
Lynn Sjolund for showing me my love of music
Laurie A Henning
Medford, OR
Beth Davis ND
Amy D Aycrigg
Portland, OR
Pixie Project, Literary Arts and Impact NW
Carol Collier
Portland, OR
Pixie Project, Literary Arts and Impact NW
Greg Moulliet
Portland, OR
Portland Chamber Orchestra
Brenda Ziegler
Fairview, OR
The Children's Museum of Eastern Oregon
Craig Talarico
Pendleton, OR
Chris D'Arcy and her outstanding devotion to the arts in Oregon
Keith J Bauer
Salem, OR
The Children's Museum of Eastern Oregon
Kim Talarico
Pendleton, OR
Chris D'Arcy and her outstanding devotion to the arts in Oregon
Madge Hastings Bauer
Salem, OR
Chris D'Arcy and her dedication to Arts & Culture in Oregon
Raissa Fleming
Salem, OR
Pat Palau
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Pat Palau
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
Stacey Parkerson
Sherry Burles
Portland, OR
Jim Peters
Julia M Peters
Portland, OR
Paulann Petersen
Celia Carlson
Gresham, OR
Paulann Petersen
Glen Love
Eugene, OR
Paulann Petersen
Rhoda Love
Eugene, OR
Charlie Walker's receipt of the Thomas Lamb Eliot Award for service to Philanthropy
Christine D'Arcy
Salem, OR
Mary Elizabeth Platt
Emily Platt
Portland, OR
Mary Elizabeth Platt
Raymond Hogan
Portland, OR
Janet C Plummer
Donald S Rushmer
West Linn, OR
Janet C Plummer
Janet C Plummer
West Linn, OR
Samuel T Rocklin
Joan Rocklin
Eugene, OR
Samuel T Rocklin
Robert B Rocklin
Eugene, OR
My son and daughter in law Kent Buhl & Lara Rowles
Lance Buhl
Pittsboro, NC
My siblings, Alan Russell, Ronni Russell, & Bret Russell
Chet Hiatt
Gladstone, OR
My siblings, Alan Russell, Ronni Russell, & Bret Russell
J Roxane Russell
Gladstone, OR
Anne Scheiman
LeAnne Jabs
Portland, OR
Karen Schmeer
Joan C McAllister
Portland, OR
Friends of South Slough
Ron Steffens
Bandon, OR
Michael W Straub
Lana & Shane Johnson
Springfield, OR
Vera & Bob Strebin
Sharon Nesbit
Troutdale, OR
Vera & Bob Strebin
William Nesbit
Troutdale, OR
Morris Surick
Beth Kaye
Portland, OR
Anne Surick
Beth Kaye
Portland, OR
Chris Taylor
Annette Fernandez-Madrid
Carlton, OR
Joan Taylor
Doug Walker
Eugene, OR
Joan Taylor
Jean Walker
Eugene, OR
Woodrow Seth Teague
Edward Teague
Eugene, OR
Artists Repertory Theatre
Darrell Salk
Portland, OR
Artists Repertory Theatre
Tricia Knoll
Portland, OR
Miki Tomita
LeAnne Jabs
Portland, OR
Paloma & Marty, Fear No Music and OHS in memory of Tovah
Oreet Ranon
Portland, OR
Virginia Willard's service as a special advisor to the Cultural Trust
Christine D'Arcy
Salem, OR
Portland State University
Johnny Powell
Portland, OR
Portland State University
Shari Powell
Portland, OR
Juanita Urban
Richard Kaiser
Portland, OR
Juanita Urban
Virginia Shipman
Portland, OR
Carol Walker
Donna Palmer
Medford, OR
Charles & Cherie Walker
Evelyn Prutsman
Portland, OR
Charles & Cherie Walker
John Prutsman
Portland, OR
Kristin Wallace
Merris E Sumrall
Portland, OR
Will Weintraub
Emily Platt
Portland, OR
Will Weintraub
Raymond Hogan
Portland, OR
Anne Willer
Margaret Willer
Portland, OR
Matt Winthrop
Anne Winthrop
Portland, OR
Matt Winthrop
Kevin Winthrop
Portland, OR
Marjorie Wolfe
Kirke Wolfe
Portland, OR
Rick & Debbie Zurow
Debbie Zurow
Portland, OR
Rick & Debbie Zurow
Rick Zurow
Portland, OR