If you donated to any arts, heritage or humanities nonprofits in Oregon this year, you can double your impact for FREE through the Oregon Cultural Trust tax credit.

Here’s how:

  1. Total what you gave to the nonprofits on this list
  2. Give a matching amount to the Cultural Trust online or by mail by December 31. Mail to:
    775 Summer Street NE, Suite 200
    Salem, OR 97301
  3. On your State Tax Form, report your gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust. You’ll get 100% of it back!*

* Up to $500 for individuals, $1,000 for couples filing jointly, and $2,500 for class C-corporations.

The Oregon Cultural Trust is a tax-exempt organization under Chapter 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code and our tax id number is 93-0621491.

Donate now Add to calendar 12/27/2024 14:00:00 America/Los_Angeles Donate to the Oregon Cultural Trust – www.culturaltrust.org/donate

Questions? Check out our FAQs.
Call us at 503-986-0088. Email us here.
Consult your tax preparer.

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