All My Relations is weaving a vibrant tapestry of culture and learning for K-12 students and families in Native communities across Oregon, thanks in part to a Cultural Trust grant award.

A family photo taken during a recent All My Relations holiday gathering. Pictured are Amber Vanpelt, Joyce Suppah, Margaret Suppah, Jillisa Suppah, Mateja Sutterlee and Jaylyn Suppah.
Led by Native and Indigenous teaching artists, the Southern Oregon University (SOU) pre-college program offers an array of experiential learning opportunities. Participants can develop printmaking and quilting techniques or practice “powwow yoga” and indigenous folk music.
At a recent holiday gathering, students and parents crafted gingerbread houses in the style of traditional indigenous dwellings.
Rachel Jones, director of SOU pre-college programs at Southern Oregon University, says the program was developed to support the needs of Native students in a culturally responsive environment.
“Native students in Oregon face disproportionate barriers to academic success,” says Clark, citing discrimination, poverty and generational trauma as systemic causes. “Arts and heritage activities renew the link to cultural traditions,” while empowering Native youth to reach new heights in education.
Story by Max Tapogna.
If supporting programs like this matters to you, please take a moment to learn about the Cultural Tax Credit.