Arts & Literature

Culture empowers this universal language of self-expression.

Filter 394 nonprofits were found in the 6 subcategories you selected.

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Helvetia-Alpengluehn Singing Society

The Helvetia-Alpengluehn Singing Society is open to all who are Swiss, or of Swiss descent or anyone interested in the promotion of Swiss music, to foster an appreciation…

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Highland Musical Arts

Bagpipe and drum program serves to build a foundation of lifelong interest and appreciation of bagpipe band music through a quality program of instruction for youth pipers and…

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Hillsboro Symphony Orchestra

Community orchestra offering affordable concerts in Hillsboro, Oregon, with music for everyone’s taste; and an opportunity for musicians of any age and experience level to hone their skills…

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Historic Hillsboro Downtown Partnership

We envision Downtown Hillsboro as a setting where personal connections and individual contributions create a welcoming and inclusive place for you and your neighbors to find community.…

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Holly Theatre

PRESERVE | ENTERTAIN | REVITALIZE The Holly Theatre restoration is a project of Jefferson Live!, restoring the historic theater to it’s original 1930 design and splendor in downtown…

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Hollywood Theatre

The Hollywood Theatre is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to entertain, inspire, educate, and connect the community through the art of film while preserving a historic Portland…

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Hood River Library Foundation

In 2010, the voters of Hood River County created a Library District to fund the Hood River, Parkdale and Cascade Locks libraries. While tax dollars keep the lights…

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Huitzilopochtli Dancing & Teaching Our Indigenous Heritage

Our Mission To teach indigenous Aztec culture and traditions through dance, music and the arts. To sustain the teachings of Aztec Generals Miguel Angel Pineda and Aztec Dance…

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Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization

The Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO)’s mission is to assist refugees, immigrants, and multi-ethnic communities to develop self-sufficiency and cross-cultural awareness while affirming and preserving each culture…

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